# Layers and sources

mapir component easily allows drawing geographic features on the map using vue components, for example, mapGeojsonLayer component make it easy to draw geoJSON data on the map. each if these components use source prop that contains data for the desired layer (for example, GeoJSON object or url), and layer prop which has the configurations that declares how layer draws on the map (again object or url).

You can read more about it in Mapbox-GL JS docs for sources and layers.

sources and layers

There is several layers types for drawing different types of sources. also, multiple layers can use common source and draw it's data differently.

For example adding a layer with GeoJSON data:

# Adding layers

  <div style="width: 100%; height: 400px;">
    <mapir :apiKey="mapirToken" :center="coordinates">

import { mapir, mapGeojsonLayer } from "mapir-vue";

export default {
  name: "Geojson",
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      coordinates: [51.420296, 35.732379],
      mapirToken: "<Your API Key>",
      geoJsonSource: {
        type: "geojson",
        data: {
          type: "FeatureCollection",
          features: [
              type: "Feature",
              properties: {},
              geometry: {
                type: "Polygon",
                coordinates: [
                    [51.35061264038086, 35.74888069888655],
                    [51.34992599487305, 35.72352080874787],
                    [51.39352798461914, 35.678912411239935],
                    [51.4683723449707, 35.69048511140501],
                    [51.48468017578124, 35.7491593341318],
                    [51.39919281005859, 35.78244922192265],
                    [51.35061264038086, 35.74888069888655]
      geoJsonlayer: {
        id: "myLayer",
        type: "fill",
        source: "mySource",
        paint: {
          "fill-color": "#888888",
          "fill-opacity": 0.4

Layer Source

In this example geoJsonSource can be an object, representing GeoJSON feature or string with URL to GeoJSON.

# Accessing Sources

Sources are stored in Map object by sourceId. If you sure that source already added to map, you can skip source prop and just pass sourceId and use same source for different layers. If you try to add same source with same id twice, MapirVue would just use source that already existed on the map, but you can set replaceSource prop to true to just replace old source with new one passed in source prop.

By default when destroying layer components, source is removed from map. If you want to keep the source (for example, for future using or if other layers use this source), set clearSource prop to false.

# Reactivity

Layer components watch for changes in object in their layer prop and translate changes to map accordingly. For example, if you change content of filter prop in GeojsonLayer, changes will be automatically applied to layer on the map. Not all layer settings can be set dynamically, currently reactive properties are minzoom, maxzoom, paint, layout and filter.

# Layer getters

GeoJSON and Vector layers has getters for their features: .getRenderedFeatures(filter?), .getSourceFeatures(geometry?, filter?) and .getFeatureState(featureId). They work similar to .queryRenderedFeatures() and .querySourceFeatures() Mapbox-gl JS Map methods, but return features only from source of current layer.

# Layer methods

Layer components has methods move() and remove(). First moves a layer to a different z-position. Second destroys component and removes layer and source from map event if layer created with prop clearSource: false.

# Layer events

Layers emits events when loading data or on user interaction like click. See full list of events in API section