# Composition (slots)

You can use Mapbox-GL features as Vue component and compose it as a child of mapir, check examples below for further details.

render order

All components placed under mapir will be rendered only after map fully loaded.

# Examples

# map controls

  <mapir :apiKey="mapirToken">
    <mapNavigationControl position="top-right" />
    <mapGeolocateControl position="top-right" />

import { mapir, mapNavigationControl, mapGeolocateControl } from "mapir-vue";

export default {
  name: "SimpleControls",
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      coordinates: [51.420296, 35.732379],
      mapirToken: "<Your API Key>"

  <mapir :apiKey="mapirToken" :center="coordinates">
    <mapPopup :coordinates="popupCoordinates" anchor="bottom" :showed="true">
      <span>Hello world!</span>

import { mapir, mapPopup } from "mapir-vue";

export default {
  name: "Popup",
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      coordinates: [51.420296, 35.732379],
      popupCoordinates: [51.420296, 35.732379],
      mapirToken: "<Your API Key>"

mapir-vue component will work even if it wrapped in another component as long as they in components sub-tree of base map component.

For example:

Popup wrapper:

  <div class="popup-wrapper">
    <mapPopup :coordinates="popupCoordinates" anchor="bottom" :showed="true">
      <span>Hello world!</span>

import { mapPopup } from 'mapir-vue';

export default {
  name: 'PopupWrapper'
  components: {
  computed() {
    popupCoordinates() {
      // Here we can do some work for calculate proper coordinates
      return [51, 32]

Main component:

  <div id="#app">
    <mapir :apiKey="mapirToken" :center="coordinates">
      <PopupWrapper />
      <!-- works! -->

import { mapir } from "mapir-vue";
import PopupWrapper from "PopupWrapper"; // wrapper for popup

export default {
  components: {
    PopupWrapper // wrapper for popup
  data() {
    return {
      coordinates: [51.420296, 35.732379],
      mapirToken: "<Your API Key>"


MapirVue internally use dependency injection mechanism (provide/inject in Vue docs). It means that any component in mapir sub-tree can access to map, mapbox and actions through inject property.

After successful mount all components emits added envent with Vue component object and additional data, such as corresponding Mapbox GL JS object or object containing layer id in payload.